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How to Add backend ReCaptcha to a flask server (Coqui TTS)


Hello. This is part 3 of our application and in that episode, we will integrate Recaptcha to a flask app on the backend. The frontend integration is done, but I will explain a bit also.


On the front end, we just need to follow the steps from the google website. So what we can do is first import the script:

 <script src=""
        async defer>

And the onloadCallback from the script we implement here :

var onloadCallback = function() {
    captha = grecaptcha.render('html_element', {
       'sitekey' : 'Website Key'

html_element is the id of the Recaptcha element on the frontend like:

<div id="html_element"></div>

That element must be added to your form so it is submitted automatically with the content. And we can check if the Recaptcha is filled on the front by calling:

if( !grecaptcha.getResponse(captha) ){
    alert("Fill the recaptcha please !")


On the backend it is quick and simple:

We must just call the route

And we pass 2 parameters to the request:

  "response": request.form["g-recaptcha-response"] // from frontend

And as a complete code it gives:

response ="", data ={
        "secret" : os.environ.get("RECAPTCHA_SITE_SECRET"),
        "response": request.form["g-recaptcha-response"]

    if(response.status_code == 200):
        data = response.json()
          pass // do something
    //do another thing is everthing is bad

The complete code can also be found here:

Thanks, and see you in the last part, where we will wrap the whole TTS app into a docker container and deploy it online.

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